Sunday, February 3, 2013

"happy hangers" - dottie angel

I finally found some wooden hangers at the thrift store that worked for dottie angel's "happy hanger how-to".  And now I'm pretty much in love with crocheting hangers...  I made three yesterday, the pink, the grey, and the white, and then went back to the thrift store and picked up the other four they had left.  The second batch (which I wrapped all up in yarn before I had a chance to take a before shot of) was in far less fancy shape than the first.  One was broken clean through, but that's the beauty of this project because I just duct taped it back together, wrapped some fabric around it, using masking tape to secure the ends, and covered it in crochet!  Perfect project for old, dingy thrift store hangers.

In other news, my camera came!

Actually, it came last week... but I've been so busy playing with it and taking pictures CONSTANTLY that I haven't had a chance to do anything else at all.  Except for going to the antique store yesterday to pick up that yummy little teapot in the first picture.

Current obsessions include: crocheted hangers, my new camera, teapots.  I picked up three teapots yesterday.  Ridiculous, yes, but also perfect, especially for tea since I have a couple of other really darling ones, but they're cracked badly enough that they won't hold water.  I know this because I tried and got scalding hot water all over me! :)  This tragic event definitely called for more and various teapottage (in better working shape), which was quickly and easily acquired at the antique mall where everyone is exceedingly grouchy and cautious of those of us who are not over 50.  It may or may not have had to do with the lavender-purple hair I'm rocking at the moment, but every single old lady on the planet used to have Mrs. Stewart's bluing-dyed hair, so what's wrong with mine?  And maybe that's just an easy out for them, to say it was my hair....  because MAYBE they're just grouchy in general.  Oh, well, they were incredibly wary of me indeed, and I'm not entirely inclined to return...  except to buy teapots.  They had so many and I loved them all, but the apples and pears were so perfect, and the "personal" size so adorable...  pictures of the others later, perhaps.

For now, who wants hangers??


  1. Okay, I'll get on that. First, I need to get some conditioner though, bc I'm pretty sure it's about to frizz out like a victim of electric shock, soo... not a very good picture. But soon.

  2. You need to change your picture on the blog, too!
